
畢業於國立台北藝術大學電影創作研究所導演組 ,公視人生劇展 《網路情書 / Love Letters in Cyberspace》曾入圍第四十一屆電視金鐘獎迷你劇集最佳影片、最佳編劇、最佳導演、最佳女主角、最佳男配角。

短片作品《數字拼圖 / numbers》則入圍第五十一屆亞太影展、第十三屆法國里昂亞洲影展、第七屆台北電影節台北電影獎劇情片類、第四十屆電視金鐘獎單元劇類最佳導演、剪輯、音效,並嬴獲香港第四屆大中華大學生影視獎最佳導演、2005金穗獎最佳劇情影片優等獎,能編能導、作品感情細膩,《渺渺》是他的第一部劇情長片。


Director Cheng Hsiao Tse

Cheng Hsiao Tse Graduated from the Directing Department of the Graduate School of Filmmaking at the Taipei National University of the Arts. His “Love Letters in Cyberspace”, made for Taiwan Public Service Television’s Life Story series, was nominated Best Film, Best Script, Best Director, Best Female Actor, and Best Male Supporting Actor at the 41st Golden Bell TV Awards for Mini-Drama.

His short film “Numbers” competed in the 51st Asia Pacific Film Festival and the 13th Lyon Asian Film Festival. It was nominated for the Taipei Award in the drama category at the 7th Taipei Film Festival; for Best Director, Best Editing, and Best Sound in the short category at the 40th Golden Bell TV Awards. It won Best Director at the Hong Kong 4th Annual University Student Film and TV Festival in the Greater China Region and Honorable Mention for Best Film at the 2005 Golden Harvest Awards. A writer and director, he makes films about delicate emotions.  MIAO MIAO is his first feature-length movie. 



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